
haiku as a tool
communities connecting
dialogue achieved

Organizations, be they for-profit, non-profit or public sector are all getting in on the benefits of the Guerilla Haiku Movement.  Whatever your goals are let Guerilla Haiku help you organize a creative, and memorable event! Click below to find how our Programs can be used to fit your needs!

K through 12

In response to recent growth and momentum, Guerilla Haiku now offers programs tailored towards schools, aligned with Common Core Standards for students of all ages.  Guerilla Haiku also offers Professional Development or Team-Building workshops for teachers and school staff.

School Brochure Inside

School Brochure Inside

 School Brochure Outside


For info on pricing for each program please email with the name and address of your school, and what program(s) are of interest to you.


Community outreach and engagement are at the heart of all successful non-profit organizations, and Guerilla Haiku is a powerful tool to get people involved in creative dialogue both inside an organization, and with its community partners.   Partner organizations that have hosted Guerilla Haiku events, have found the experience effective at expanding the reach of their organization’s mission, as well as being undeniably joyful.  Following are a few examples of programs tailored to a select group of Partner Organizations:

* San Antonio Museum of Art augmented their Family Day and Educator Evening with workshops and Haiku Free-for-Alls led by the Guerilla Haiku Movement.

* Artpace, a contemporary art gallery and residency program in San Antonio hosted a Guerilla Haiku residency in their city which culminated in their annual Chalk It Up event, 20,000 participants, 7 blocks shut down on Houston Street, and LOTS of ensuing chalk dust.

Out of Hand Theater in Atlanta, GA.  A theater company that embraces interactivity in performance, promote and participate in Guerilla Haiku as an addendum to their existing season.  Running events annually since 2011.

* Cleveland Public Theater  extended the reach of their community outreach event, the Party at Gordon Square, by training teams of volunteer haikuists to connect with passers-by across their city.

Historic Green: Spring Greening in New Orleans, LA.  An organization that assembles highly-trained volunteers in Green Construction and Architecture to complete sophisticated building projects in the Lower Ninth Ward every Spring, Guerilla Haiku became for their volunteers a team-bulding and reflective opportunity as well as giving them a method of interacting creatively with the Lower Ninth Ward residents and community members.

HANDS, Inc in Orange, NJ.  A community development organization dedicated to a rebirth of Arts in Orange, NJ, they invited Guerilla Haiku to implement an event as part of their Annual Placemaking Celebration, to celebrate their work and educate the community about their work as an organization.  Click here to see the Star Ledger Video about Guerilla Haiku Event in Orange, NJ

Rahway Arts District, in Rahway, NJ.  A community arts organization, expanding its programming, hosted its first Culture Crawl, ambitiously connecting businesses with artists and arts organizations across the city for a smorgasbord of simultaneous performances, events and activities.  Guerilla Haiku became a thread to connect the spaces across the community, and invite art-goers to become artists in their own right.


For info on pricing for each program please email with the name and location of your organization,  and what kind of programming is of interest to you.


Corporations are - Coming soon, for we have plans - To get them Chalky!

You want to get Chalky?  Contact us!

  • J.T. Taylor

    When I was visiting NYC I joined the Guerilla Haiku Movement and it was incredible fun – and meaningful!  Our guide was Alexis, she was a bold, bubbly, exciting leader.  Her energy rubbed off on our team and I found myself breaking personal boundaries and engaging with people I would normally have walked right past.  I learned a lot that day as well as had tons of fun.

    I’m going to bring the movement to Texas!

    • Haiku Mistress

      And you DID, J.T.! Thanks to you Guerilla Haiku did a 6-city tour of Texas in December of 2012. And now we’re coming back to Texas in October!! Hooray for J.T.!