Posts Tagged "Cleveland"

Guerilla Haiku falls in love with Cleveland…

Posted by on 06.24.13 in 2013, Haiku, Partners in Haiku | 2 comments

Guerilla Haiku falls in love with Cleveland…

…And the love is mutual! At the invitation of the Cleveland Public Theater, Guerilla Haiku made its way to Cleveland for the Party @ Gordon Square on June 8th, 2013, a neighborhood celebration of art and community in the Gordon Square Arts District of Cleveland. What a city! What a weekend of adventures!!! With a host of INCREDIBLE volunteers and the tremendous efforts of the team at the Cleveland Public Theater, Guerilla Haiku transformed the neighborhood into a colorful, contagious, and inspiring canvas of words. Our first attempt at creating an indoor installation was a rousing...

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Guerilla Haiku Goes to Cleveland!

Posted by on 06.04.13 in Partners in Haiku | 0 comments

Guerilla Haiku Goes to Cleveland!

The Cleveland Public Theater (CPT) is one of those regional theaters that fully embrace their commitment to serving the needs of their community.  And the Gordon Square Arts District is the multi-organization consortium (including CPT) that  is revitalizing the Detroit-Shoreway  neighborhood of Cleveland. When Executive Artistic Director, Raymond Brobgan, contacted Guerilla Haiku in February to invite us to their yearly Party in Gordon Square to engage their Party-goers in Haiku-ing, I jumped at the chance.  What better effort to support and celebrate but the coming together of a...

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