ProArts in Jersey City is an organization that cares about the intersection of Art and Community. Clearly they are kindred spirits! They host Quarterly Art Eat Up events where a number of artists present their projects to a host of assembled community members at a communal dinner. At the end of the evening everyone votes on one project that they want to support. And the profits from the evening go to fund the project with the most votes.
There was a small but attentive and energized crowd in attendance. 5 wonderful projects; Guerilla Haiku (of course), Not Yo’ Mama’s Craft Fair, Me Hood, a Jersey City Heights photo portraiture project by E. Jan Kounitz, the Necropolis of Greed by Abby Levine, and Nuit Blanche JC . At the end of the evening, Guerilla Haiku was the proud recipient of the evening’s profits!!
Even more importantly, we were able to bask in the energy of an assembled mass of creative people overwhelmingly supportive of each other. What a lovely embracing experience to have right before the Second Season of the Guerilla Haiku Movement. The beginnings of collaborations with a number of Jersey City Art Groups sprouted, and will come to fruition during the upcoming months! Stay tuned, Jersey City! And THANK YOU, ProArts!