In 2007 a consortium of schools on the Upper East Side got together to DO SOMETHING as school communities to protect the environment. 6 years later over 2500 schools are members of the Green Schools Alliance, making an international impact spearheaded by students, teachers and parents across the globe.
Inspiring, no?
The Lycee Francais de NY hosted this year’s Green Schools Alliance Earth Day Conference with sponsor, Veggiecation, an amazing organization dedicated to nutrition education for youth. Guerilla Haiku made an appearance to get people writing about the themes of the conference, and reflect on our school’s roles in making a positive impact on the environment!
Here’s a favorite from the day:
Children lead the way
conserving and inspiring
there is hope for us!
Check out these photos and let them challenge you to consider ways in which YOU can make an impact!!!
- supporting teachers - with dynamic lesson plans - junior energy!
- Go Samuel Gompers - Saving energy because - green is much better
- A festive entrance!
- In Japanese!!!
- The Grocery Gods - smiling down on us today - thank you, oh Fairway!
- Children lead the way - conserving and inspiring - there is hope for us!
- Turn off your lights - It doesn't cost a dollar - But is your future
- learn to recycle - or I will come after you - Giant Styrofoam
- Some solar panels - that is what I want to do - now to write a grant
- Sign our petition - End NYC's plastic bags - Help to change the world!
- Electricity - Saving the environment - So others can live
- hypnotized by lunch - in nested silver circles - when will it be noon!?!
- Help heal the planet - together we can make change - Change requires Action!
- Running through the trees - Watching all the truth fly by - Laughing all the way
- I love the planet - and want to protect it now - for the future kids
- Long Island delegates at work!
- the dump is NOT green - stop it, stop it, stop it, STOP! - we're sanetrash dot org
- Our first Passer-by! Thank you, Agent Ike!
- Making an Impact - through GSANYC - Big Step, small Footprints
- our concrete jungle - flowers seep through pavement cracks - yes, the core is GREEN